According to authorities on Tuesday, a man from Maharashtra's thane district reportedly raped a 27-year-old lady, forced her to marry him after blackmailing her, and burned her with hot "tawa" and cigarette butts. Based on the victim's accusation, police have filed a formal complaint against the 38-year-old man and five of his family members, including his mother. The trauma began four years ago when they became friends on social networking, they added.
In 2021, the victim, who also lived in ulhasnagar town, made friends with the accused on Facebook. According to a Vitthalwadi police station officer, he reportedly brought her to a lodge in the town and sexually assaulted her. 

According to the victim's complaint, the accused repeatedly raped the woman, produced an offensive film of her, and threatened to post it online if she rejected his advances.
According to the authorities, the victim was later coerced into marrying the guy, after which he and his mother brought her to Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, where they chopped off her hair and eyebrows and imprisoned her in a residence.
According to the official, the man also reportedly struck the woman with a hot "tawa" and singed her with cigarette buts, seriously injuring her. According to him, the accused also confiscated her bank passbooks, Aadhaar, and PAN cards and utilized them fraudulently to obtain loans.
According to the official, they also threatened to post her offensive video online if she didn't comply with their demand for payment from her father.

The woman lodged a police complaint on Sunday, following which a case was registered against the man and his five family members under various Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita sections, including 64 (2) (m) (repeated rape), 74 (assault or use of criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty), 75 (sexual harassment), 87 (kidnapping, abducting or inducing woman to compel her marriage, etc), 118(2) (voluntarily causing hurt or grievous hurt by dangerous weapons or means), 351(2) (criminal intimidation) and 308(5) (extortion).

No arrest has been made so far, the police said, adding a probe was on into the case.


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