The highly anticipated period action drama Retro, starring Suriya and pooja hegde, has already made waves in the entertainment industry by securing a record-breaking OTT deal. According to FilmiBeat, the streaming rights for the film have been acquired by Netflix for an astounding ₹80 crore, marking the highest OTT deal in Suriya’s illustrious career. This significant achievement reflects the immense buzz surrounding Retro, as fans eagerly await its release. Set against the backdrop of a bygone era, the film promises an intense blend of action, drama, and compelling performances, elevating expectations even further.

Currently in production, Retro has adopted an ambitious schedule with shooting and post-production work progressing simultaneously to meet deadlines and maintain the film’s high-quality standards. Suriya, known for his meticulous approach to his roles, has reportedly gone through extensive preparation for the movie, ensuring his performance resonates with audiences. pooja hegde, on the other hand, brings her charisma and talent to the screen, creating a dynamic pairing with Suriya. The team behind Retro is leaving no stone unturned to deliver a visually spectacular and emotionally gripping narrative, showcasing their commitment to pushing cinematic boundaries.

For Suriya, Retro represents more than just another project—it is a pivotal moment in his career. Following the disappointment of Kanguva, the actor is determined to make a powerful comeback with this period drama. The enormous OTT deal not only underscores the faith of industry stakeholders in the film’s potential but also sets the stage for Retro to become a major milestone in his filmography. As fans eagerly await its release, the buzz surrounding the project ensures that Retro is poised to leave an indelible mark in the realm of indian cinema.

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