23 substandard medicines banned..!? 9 companies blacklisted..!?

The government banned the distribution of 23 medicines purchased for distribution to government hospitals last year after they were found to be substandard. In addition, nine companies that supplied those medicines have been blacklisted. In tamil Nadu, the tamil Nadu Medical services Corporation is purchasing and distributing medicines required by government hospitals and primary health centers in bulk. The quality of medicines is also continuously inspected. If substandard medicines are found, they are banned and further action is taken. In that regard, the quality of medicines, medical equipment, and laboratories was inspected at different times last year. In it, it was found that some of the medicines purchased for fever, thyroid, heart disease, viral infections, and antibiotics were found to be substandard. Therefore, the procurement of those 23 medicines has been banned for two years.
Regarding this, Public health Department officials said: Strict quality assurance procedures are followed in government hospitals to ensure the quality of drugs supplied to the public. Accordingly, the drugs supplied to hospitals are tested in approved laboratories in the first stage. Thereafter, the details of the drugs are kept confidential and samples of some drugs are taken at random and tested. Those samples are sent to major laboratories not only in tamil Nadu but also across the country. Only after their quality is confirmed and tested at various stages, are the drugs supplied to hospitals.

If substandard drugs are distributed, those drugs will be banned for two years in the first stage. If such a situation continues, the company that supplied those drugs will be blacklisted. In this regard, nine companies have been blacklisted last year.

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