In a formal event at Rashtrapati Bhawan on Friday, President draupadi murmu presented the Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna Award to four of India's best athletes. Among the honorees were double Olympic medallist manu Bhaker, chess sensation Gukesh Dommaraju, Paralympic gold medallist high jumper praveen Kumar, and men's hockey captain Harmanpreet Singh.

Manu Bhaker became the first indian woman shooter to win an Olympic medal in the paris Olympics. In addition to winning bronze in the women's 10m air pistol solo category, she and Sarabjot Singh also took home bronze in the mixed team event. This remarkable achievement made her the first indian athlete to win two medals at the same Games.
There was a hilarious moment at the award ceremony when manu Bhaker's accomplishments were read out. She inadvertently walked forward before the announcer ended, so there was a brief pause before she approached the president to claim her reward. Despite the small slip-up, manu Bhaker received the honor with grace and a wry smile.

Gukesh Dommaraju's incredible rise to notoriety in the chess world reached new heights in december 2024 when he became the youngest global chess champion ever, defeating Ding Liren of china at the age of 18. He won the coveted FIDE World championship in Singapore, becoming him the only other indian to do it after Viswanathan Anand.

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