Indian army introduces Sambhav smartphones..!?

It has been revealed that indian army officials used Sambhav smartphones during talks on a key border issue with China. In the indian army, great care is being taken and surveillance measures are being taken to ensure that no information is leaked during the exchange of important information. As a key feature of this, the details of the use of incident smartphones by indian army officials have now been revealed.
In october 2024, talks were held with china on the border issue. This discussion was considered very important as border issues with china have been recurring at various times. During these talks, the indian army has used a very secure method to exchange information with each other. They are using SAMBHAV smartphones for secure communication.
These SAMBHAV smartphones have been circulated to exchange information about the positions of the indian army on the border, the positions of the Chinese army, their advantages and disadvantages, and what position to take in the talks. These smartphones, developed in a joint effort between the indian army and industry, have been distributed to nearly 30,000 officers. Some senior military officials said in this regard; mobile technology is seen as a very risky thing when dealing with important matters. What information is being exchanged can be intercepted and known. Instead, Sambhav smartphones are used. Sambhav phones provide uninterrupted connectivity in challenging situations. No one can eavesdrop under any circumstances.

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