A terrible occurrence occurred on saturday evening in Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh, when a 19-year-old female from gujarat died after falling while paragliding, according to authorities. Additionally hurt, the paraglider pilot is currently receiving medical attention. The event took place in Dharamshala at the Indrunag location.

"An unfortunate incident occurred today at the Indrunag paragliding site under the Dharamshala PS area," said Bir Bahadur, Additional SP. A girl from gujarat crashed while paragliding and was sent to the hospital, but she passed away en route. The paraglider pilot was hurt and is receiving treatment, and police are looking into the incident."The reason for the tragedy is now being investigated. This clone is still in development. More information is pending.

Yes, paragliding can be risky, but it can be safe when done responsibly. Some common risks include collisions, environmental injuries, and accidents caused by poor weather.

Collisions: Paragliders can collide with other paragliders or terrain.
Environmental injuries: Paragliders can suffer from hypoxia, cold, or acceleration forces.
Poor weather: wind conditions can change suddenly, causing pilots to lose control.
Unnecessary acrobatics: Pilots may perform unnecessary moves that increase the risk of accidents.

Safety Tips
Training: Get comprehensive training and stay within your skill level.
Equipment: Use quality equipment that's regularly inspected and certified.
Weather: Monitor the weather and make decisions based on it.
Physical fitness: Be physically fit and mentally prepared.
Pilot: Choose a professional pilot with the proper experience and qualifications.  

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