No cars only team bus for indian Players..!?

The bcci has started implementing its new restrictions from the t20 series against England. The five-match t20 series between india and england is scheduled to begin on january 22. Ahead of the first match of the series, the indian players are doing net practice in Kolkata. During the first day of net practice, all the indian team players and coaches were brought in two buses. No cars only team bus for indian players in net practice. Earlier, some players used to arrive late to the stadium in their cars. With the new bcci regulations now in place, no player can be late. If any player does not arrive before the bus leaves, he will have to stay in the hotel room.
Due to this pressure, all the indian t20 team players went to the online training together in two buses arranged by the bengal cricket Association. Even though some players had completed their training during the online training, they waited until the other players had completed their training. Since the bcci has advised that everyone should travel together, everyone waited and then returned to their hotel rooms together. A few days ago, during the press conference when the Champions Trophy team was announced, rohit sharma said that the statement regarding this restriction was not published on the BCCI's official website. Furthermore, he had said that if it was officially published, we can talk about it then. That is, he was talking as if these rules had not been implemented yet. But now it is certain that the BCCI's restrictions have come into effect.

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