Have you ever taken a close look at your sbi passbook? You will discover that the bank has taken Rs 236 out of your account without you having to make any such transactions when you look at the entries in your passbook or the messages you occasionally receive from the bank. If so, we have the solution for you. The funds were really taken out of your account as part of the yearly maintenance/service charge for the debit/ATM card you have been using.
SBI provides a variety of debit cards to its customers, with most being Classic, Silver, Global, or Contactless cards. The bank charges an annual maintenance fee of Rs 200 onwards for these cards. Now, you may wonder if the AMC charge is Rs 200, why the sbi deducted Rs 236 instead? This is because the government levies 18% GST on the transactions carried out by the bank. So, instead of paying GST from its pocket, the bank deducts the GST from the customer's savings bank account. So, Rs 200+18% of Rs 200 = Rs 200+Rs 36 = Rs 236. Hope, all your doubts are cleared now and you needn't visit the bank for the same.
You should also note that the annual maintenance fee is Rs 250+GST for yuva / gold /Combo / My Card (Image) Debit Card, Rs 325+GST for Platinum Debit Card, Rs 350+GST for Pride/Premium business Debit Cards and Rs 425+GST for Pride/Premium business Debit Cards.