Neeraj Chopra, an Olympic gold champion, married in a private ceremony. Neeraj wed Himani Mor, a native of Ladsoli village in the Sonipat area of Haryana. Following the wedding, the 27-year-old posted pictures from the event on social media and prayed for blessings. The amount of dowry that Neeraj Chopra accepted surely astounds everyone.
Himani's mother, Meena, and father, Chandram Mor, reportedly told Dainik bhaskar that Neeraj and Himani were wed for Re 1. No dowry or gifts, including clothing and other items, were accepted above this sum. The Haryanvi clothing code was followed at the wedding: ladies wore Ghaghra, Daman, and Kanthi, while men wore dhoti-kurtas. The location of the ceremony was Himachal Pradesh.

Which wedding ritual took place on which date?
A mehndi and dj night followed the ring ceremony on january 14 and the haldi ceremony on january 15. The goodbye was held in the evening on january 16, following the wedding in the afternoon. Both families were among the 60 guests that attended the wedding ceremony.
The planning for the wedding had been going on for months. But none of the build-up could be covered by the media, which has been closely following Neeraj's life and career since he won the junior world title in 2016.

What did Himani's mother say?
Meena Mor, the mother of Himani Mor, said the families were familiar with one another. "With God's blessing, my daughter married Neeraj Chopra, the nation's pride. Himani and Neeraj used to converse as well. With the approval of both people and families, the situation advanced.
She stated that because Himani had little vacation time, wedding planning was time-sensitive.

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