On january 21, actor kajal aggarwal and his spouse, gautam Kitchlu, went to the third day of Coldplay's performance in Mumbai. For the india tour, she praised Coldplay's partnership with singer and lyricist Jasleen Royal. The star posted a few photos from her performance with Coldplay. On january 18, 19, and 21, Coldplay performed three shows in mumbai before moving on to ahmedabad for their next performance.
 Suhana Khan, AbRam, Navya Nanda, Shreya Ghoshal, and other celebrities were among those who attended the first and second days of the Coldplay concert in Mumbai. kajal aggarwal and gautam Kitchlu attended the final Coldplay performance in mumbai on the india leg on january 21. She shared a sole picture of herself with the caption, "@jasleenroyal @coldplay (sic)," with a heart emoji. For the event, Kajal looked beautiful in a pink top and white jeans.

Expressing her happiness, she posted a photo of herself kissing her husband. "@coldplay what a show! @jasleenroyal how fab are you #loveistheanswer (sic)," she wrote. Coldplay made a comeback to india as part of the music of the Spheres tour following a nine-year break. Coldplay will headline two shows at narendra modi Stadium in ahmedabad on january 25 and 26, after three shows in Mumbai. Disney+ Hotstar will provide live streaming of the show on january 26.

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