Actor Rajpal Yadav, comedian Kapil Sharma, and choreographer Remo D'Souza are three well-known mumbai celebrities who have allegedly received death threat letters.
Police sources claim that their relatives and close friends are also the targets of these threatening texts. In addition to Rajpal Yadav, Sugandha Mishra, and Remo D'Souza have also formally complained about the same matter to the mumbai Police. Based on the accusation made by Rajpal Yadav's wife, the Amboli police have filed a formal case against an unidentified individual under Section 351(3) of the BNS.

Preliminary results from the police investigation indicate that the threatening emails came from Pakistan. Using the email address, the sender described themselves as "Vishnu" in the email signature. According to the email's content, the sender has been keeping tabs on the celebrities' recent behavior.

According to the email: "We are keeping a careful eye on your recent behavior. We feel compelled to draw your attention to a delicate issue. This isn't an attempt to bother you or do a public stunt. We ask that you keep this letter private and take it carefully. The email contains other cautions that, if ignored, may have dire repercussions. It warns that noncompliance will have "dangerous consequences" that will impact both personal and professional life and wants a response within eight hours.

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