A woman in Bengaluru paid Rs 3,000 for a journey that was originally estimated to cost ₹450 in yet another shocking taxi fraud. Fuel and tolls were added to her struggle, and she still didn't arrive at her destination as promised. The woman posted about her terrifying incident on the internet after she had arrived at her PG safely.
The woman originally intended to take a bus to her PG after arriving at the Bengaluru airport at approximately 10:30 p.m. She eventually changed her mind, though, and chose to either walk to the bus stop or hail an ola cab to her PG.

"A kind man stopped me as I was making my way to the bus station at the airport and offered to drop me off at my PG right away for just Rs 450. I was skeptical, but he said that he had to drop his friend off quickly so he could go home to KR Puram, which was near my PG. On Reddit, she recalled, "He even showed me an app with his ride history and assured me this was common."
Despite her initial reluctance, the woman eventually consented to the ride when the male persisted in his request. She was hesitant since it was doubtful that a taxi would be priced less than the Rs 350 bus fare.

She consented, and a second man came to collect her and the first driver. "The first man sat in the front seat of the automobile when another man arrived with it. They requested that I pay the Rs 200 toll shortly after the trip. I saw that they traveled a spooky, quiet path. By speaking hindi and inquiring about my background and line of work, they made an effort to maintain a cordial conversation. However, they then began yelling along, playing loud music, and mistreating other cars on the road," the lady said.

"They stopped for tea and cigarettes at one point and asked if I wanted anything," she added. I declined, uncomfortable as hell. After that, they had me pay RS 300 for fuel at a gas station. I paid in the hopes that they would simply transport me to my destination since I was afraid.

When the two started using drugs and smoking inside the car, the situation got even worse. They finally came to a halt in an empty area where a second man was standing. The driver stated that he had to travel somewhere else and that his "friend" would take over from there. They presented me with a Rs 3,000 bill and requested an OTP for what they said was from a "cab app." When I protested that the Rs 450 was only the booking cost, they began yelling.

After she shared her drop location over WhatsApp, one of the males grabbed her phone and erased his contact number, which made matters worse.
The woman said that she was still fifteen kilometers from her destination when a fresh uber cab pulled up.
"The men made me get inside this automobile after moving my trolley bag inside. Although I was still afraid, I saw that the uber driver appeared sincere. She said, "The uber driver was kind and dropped me off at my PG safely, but I have to pay the bill again because it wasn't prepaid."
"This was terrifying, and I feel lucky to have gotten out unharmed," the woman said in closing.



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