Actor saif ali khan has been the subject of a contentious internet discussion since he returned home after surgery, beaming at well-wishers and walking with confidence. Some doubters, including medical professionals, questioned the veracity of his quick recovery, while others praised his tenacity. Dr. deepak Krishnamurthy, a cardiologist from Bengaluru, intervened to provide a professional viewpoint on the actor's incredible recovery.
"For people doubting if saif ali khan really had spine surgery (funnily, even some doctors!), let me remind you that recovery timelines can surprise you," krishnamurthy wrote on X.

The physician posted a video showing his mother in 2022, when she was 78 years old, walking in a cast over a shattered foot following spine surgery. "A younger, fitter person like Saif can recover even faster."
Experts claim that because the knife wounds did not reach his spinal cord or nerves, his leg strength was unaffected. There were no difficulties following the exact treatment carried out by skilled doctors. Saif's consistent exercise routine was crucial since it speeds up the healing process following surgery or accidents.

The skepticism about Saif's recovery was similarly written off by Dr. krishnamurthy as ignorance. Nowadays, three or four days following heart bypass surgery, patients can walk and climb stairs. Before happily flaunting our ignorance on social media, it's time to educate ourselves," he stated.
Recovery procedures have been transformed by contemporary surgical techniques and exercise regimens. When comparing Saif's situation to his mother's more involved surgery—a repair of a spinal fracture—Dr. krishnamurthy noted that she was released in less than a day and was able to walk again nearly right away.
"Saif had a far less serious repair for a cerebrospinal fluid leak. Given his age and degree of athleticism, a speedier recovery is anticipated," he said.

"All I can advise anyone who are doubting Saif's recuperation, particularly medical professionals, is to increase your visibility. read up, consult experts, and educate yourself," he added.


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