The female lead in Toxic, the next film directed by Geetu Mohandas, will be played by Nayanthara, affectionately known by fans as Lady Superstar. bollywood actor akshay oberoi claimed that Nayanthara is in the movie, even though the producers have not yet revealed the cast. The actor said that he would like not to give away any more details regarding the movie.
"I'm shooting for Toxic right now with Rocking Star Yash," Akshay said in an interview with wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital Commentary. The film also features Nayanthara. Since the actors will not approve, I don't want to discuss them too much. The film's director, Geetu Mohandas, is someone I truly like. It was previously rumored that Nayanthara had taken kareena kapoor Khan's position in the movie. The Annapoorani actress is reportedly expected to portray Nayanthara's older sister. An official confirmation is still pending, though.

A preview of Toxic, which included a look at Yash's role in the movie, was released by the film's creators on january 8. In the commercial, a flamboyant yash was shown having sex with a woman in a setting reminiscent of a party. According to reports, kiara advani, tara Sutaria, and shruti haasan play important parts in Toxic as well. As previously reported, the film is expected to cover the drug trade in goa and be a gangster thriller.


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