Ashwini Kumar Upadhyay, a leader of the Bharatiya Janta party (BJP), filed a public interest litigation (PIL) plea on friday asking the supreme court to abolish the "tax deducted at source" system. A panel made up of Justice Sanjay Kumar and Chief Justice of india Sanjiv Khanna declined to hear the matter but suggested that the petitioner go to the high court to seek justice.
"We apologize, but we won't entertain. It is poorly written. The high court may hear your case. Several rulings have supported it. Apologies. We're not going to entertain. "Dismissed," remarked CJI Khanna.

Concerns over the financial and administrative difficulties that people and organizations must deal with in order to adhere to TDS requirements were voiced by ashwini Kumar Upadhyay.
To stop tax avoidance, the TDS system was put in place. It is used when one party (the deductor) must pay another party (the payee) money, such as commissions, rent, or salary. These payments are eligible for tax deductions if they above a certain threshold.
"The government's tax agency has all the resources it needs to collect taxes directly. However, it assigns the duty to TDS assessors without payment," the petition stated.

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