Nepal government hikes Everest climbing fee..!?

It must be said that there are almost no people who do not know about Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world. Many people try to climb this mountain, which is about 29,028 feet above sea level. Some succeed! However to climb this peak, one must have physical strength as well as financial capacity. However, the nepal government has recently increased the cost. Yes... It is known that one should have the physical ability as well as the financial capacity to climb Mount Everest. In this order, the nepal government has recently increased the fee charged to those who come to climb Everest. As part of this.. by increasing it by 36 cents at once.. the discussion that ‘not Mount Everest.. but the fee to be paid to climb it is only for the sky’ has come to the fore.
At this time, the nepal government has recently increased the permit fee for foreign climbers to climb Everest. As part of this... until now, climbers climbing Everest between march and May were charged $11,000... but recently it has increased to $15,000. That is.. the fee that was previously Rs.9.5 lakh has been increased to Rs.13 lakh. The fee for those who want to climb this mountain between september and november has been increased from $5,500 to $7,500. That is... Rs.4.75 lakh to Rs.6.5 lakh. The fee for those who want to climb during the winter between december and february and the rainy season between june and august has been increased from $2,750 to $3,750.
That is... Rs.2.37 lakh to Rs.3.24 lakh. The director of the nepal Tourism Board said that all these increased fees will be implemented from september 1 this year. At the same time.. the director general of the tourism department revealed that the fees had to be increased in the wake of the mountain becoming an expensive task.

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