Indian students quitting part-time jobs in US..!?

It is known that donald trump, who took office as the President of the united states is clearly stating his stance on immigration. With this, it is said that concerns have increased among indian students. It is said that many students are quitting their part-time jobs to avoid the risk of deportation in this context. On the first day of taking office as President, trump shocked both the world and the immigrants already in the US by saying that he was tightening visa and immigration regulations. At the same time, the regulations regarding foreign students who came on F-1 visas have been tightened.
There are many regulations in America regarding part-time jobs for foreign students. As part of this, foreign students studying in America are allowed to work 20 hours a week only on campus. However, many do part-time jobs outside to meet their daily expenses. However, according to the latest rules, if it is discovered that they are doing part-time jobs outside, there is a high risk of deportation. It is said that if they think about part-time jobs in this context, the concern that they will be sent out of America has become the reason for this decision. In fact, indian students work in restaurants, gas stations, and supermarkets in America. They say that the income they earn is enough for their daily expenses. However, students who are worried about the trump administration are afraid to take risks. At this time, some students who are giving up the idea of part-time jobs are deciding to rely on their savings, while others are asking friends and relatives for loans. Some others say they feel guilty but are worried about having to ask their parents. They say that these uncertain circumstances are affecting many indian students in America mentally. It remains to be seen how these problems will be resolved.

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