The well-known bollywood star of the 1990s, Raveena Tandon, recently shared a story about her career that highlights the tumultuous relationships in the film industry, which has seen its share of ups and downs as well as some unexpected shocks. In an open interview, she discussed how jealousy and insecurity caused her to be replaced in certain movies when one of her co-stars' girlfriends insisted that he pull her from other projects since she was performing well beside him on screen.
Tandon's account, which is tinged with humor and incredulity, explains how her insecure girlfriend not only forced her co-star to replace her but also used her power to persuade another hero to pick someone else over Tandon for a future movie. When, years later, the same co-star approached her after their relationship ended and asked her to fill in for a movie that his ex-girlfriend had abandoned, she recalled the sorrow of the scenario. Tandon gave a clever and thoughtful response, reminding him of the same traits that led to their last breakup.
This episode reveals Tandon's resolve and faith in fate in addition to the personal struggles of the glamorous movie industry. She is keenly aware of the realities that typically lurk underneath the glitz and splendor of stardom as she makes her mark in the film business. "The voice had changed, becoming smoky and lower-pitched."


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