Over the last eight years, the bollywood business, which was formerly renowned for its glitzy and wildly popular Eid releases, has been unable to replicate the magic. Even salman khan, the superstar who is well-known for his Eid releases, struggled to achieve even the most basic box office expectations after back-to-back failures with films like "Tubelight" (2017), "Race 3" (2018), "Bharat" (2019), "Radhe" (2021), and "Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan" (2023).

Due to movies like "Bade Miyan Chote Miyaan" and "Maidaan" having extremely subpar BO numbers, the Eid curse continued until 2024. It is all up to salman Khan's "Sikandar" in 2025 to remove the curse. The film, which was directed by AR Murugadoss, seems to be Salman's attempt to reclaim his lost stardom.

Despite the fact that "Sikandar" preparations are well underway, opinions on the movie's potential appear to be split on social media. "Salman Khan is the king of Eid releases, and Sikandar will prove it again," one person said. This is going to be a huge hit, Bhai in beast mode! "With so many failures in the past, it's hard to believe Sikandar will do any different," said another commenter. The thrill of Eid has long since faded. Despite the fact that opinions on the internet are still as split as ever, many people are optimistic that the movie will do well for salman and break the jinx and bring back the allure of extremely popular Eid movies.

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