Ajith Kumar plays the protagonist in Vidaamuyarchi, which is now awaiting director Magizh Thirumeni's release. The film is scheduled for a global theater release on february 6. Magizh Thirumeni recently said in an interview that he lost out on a chance to collaborate with actor Vijay, a revelation that has since gone viral.
Magizh Thirumeni revealed that he read three screenplays to Vijay before to beginning filming his film with Udhayanidhi Stalin. Having been impressed by all three, Vijay struggled to decide and requested Magizh to pick one, promising to work on it. However, Magizh had already received an advance from stalin -Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>udhayanidhi stalin for the film Kalaga Thalaivan, therefore the partnership never happened.

Udhayanidhi refused to change his dates when Magizh asked him to, therefore Magizh had to keep his earlier promise. Vijay subsequently grasped what he was saying and gave him his word that they could cooperate after Kalaga Thalaivan. Regretfully, the initiative never gained traction. Many social media users attacked stalin -Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>udhayanidhi stalin after this disclosure, pointing out that Magizh Thirumeni has a large following because to his suspense flicks, such as thadam and Thadaiyara Thaaka. They said that working with Vijay would have been a novel and interesting endeavor, and they blamed Udhayanidhi for sabotaging the chance and calling him shrewd.

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