Sidharth Malhotra commemorated the first anniversary of Rohit Shetty's creation of the indian Police Force. Despite its high viewership, the show received criticism for its poor writing and unmemorable characters. On Instagram, Sidharth posted that DCP Kabir Malik played a unique role with his "amazing team," which also featured nikitin dheer and shilpa Shetty.
The action in indian Police Force was intense, but the plot and characters were lacking. The program failed to leave an impression despite Rohit Shetty's flair, and many referred to it as a lackluster addition to Sidharth's career. Sidharth returned with Yodha in 2024, which was more well-received, following his time with the indian Police Force. He is now preparing for the July 25, 2025, release of Param Sundari, a romantic comedy starring Janhvi Kapoor. His action roles have given way to a more lighthearted romance one in this movie.
Sidharth portrays a chic delhi lad named Param in Param Sundari, while janhvi kapoor plays a stunning South indian girl named Sundari. The film features humor, beautiful music, and cultural disputes, and it is set in Kerala. It is viewed as an opportunity for Sidharth to engage the public in a new and approachable capacity. The indian Police Force failed to engage the crowd. Along with Yodha and Param Sundari, Sidharth is attempting to reinvent himself. He wants to play memorable characters and get over the criticism.



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