Although there will always be comparisons between North and South film, actor R madhavan recently discussed his opinions on the subject in an interview. He notably mentioned malayalam and telugu movies, stating that they are definitely posing a serious threat to hindi material. But according to madhavan, all of these are a part of the upcoming changes to movies and the production process. madhavan cited S.S. rajamouli as an example, stating that the filmmaker's work is always grounded in reality or inspired by the history of India's tiny villages.

The malayalam industry, madhavan continued, has also seen significant progress over the years, stating that their primary focus has always been on the characters, the major plot, and the performances, in addition to sticking to a tight budget. According to madhavan, big-budget telugu films have occasionally failed due to the type of content produced by the malayalam industry in recent years.
All of the actor's statements from the most recent chat are definitely accurate. Even though there were movies in every language in 2024, the malayalam film industry won because it had the most successful movies and the finest content. These days, every filmmaker tries their hardest to provide consumers with material and enjoyment. But in the majority of situations, their attempts have fallen short, particularly because of a poor screenplay and a large budget.
Now, producers should prioritize compelling plots over only making financial investments. The greatest examples are Aavesham and Manjummel Boys, which demonstrate that high-quality films can be produced on a shoestring.


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