Despite her best efforts, pooja hegde has not had a good run in the South or bollywood industries in recent years. She is now attempting her luck as the main woman in the police adventure Deva, costarring shahid Kapoor. To avoid last-minute cutbacks, the film's creators wisely obtained certification and other clearances. However, after making sure it was appropriately altered, the Central Board of Film Certification only awarded it a U/A certificate.
It was requested that several offensive and explicit gestures be changed. It was requested that the film's numerous instances of foul language be changed to more polite ones. Additionally, a sultry lip-lock sequence that showcased Pooja's sensuality was cut down by six seconds. Supporters think that this might have an impact on the main stars' chemistry, but overall it might not be that awful.

Pooja truly needs this movie to be a success when it opens on january 31 in order to put her back on the path to success. For his bollywood debut, director Rosshan Andrews will undoubtedly have high expectations as well. pooja hegde pins huge hopes on this movie as this might be a game changer for her in Bollywood.

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