The rumors started when it was said that trisha, who was influenced by actor Vijay, intended to quit the movie business to seek a career in politics. According to some accounts, trisha had recently lost interest in movies and was thinking about going into politics. There have also been allegations that stated trisha and her mother disagreed on this choice. These claims rapidly became popular, appearing in national and tamil media.
Uma Krishnan, however, has vehemently denied these allegations, asserting that trisha has no intention of leaving the film industry and isn't even thinking about doing so. Speculation about Trisha's strong connection with actor Vijay fueled the rumors even further. Their combined attendance at actress Keerthy suresh and Antony Thattil's wedding generated a lot of conversation. The rumors were heightened when a video of the couple leaving the airport and arriving together in a private plane quickly went popular on social media.