The sequel, which will be published this year just in time for Independence Day, marks the return of the film's creators after a six-year break. siddharth anand helmed the first installment, while ayan mukerji will direct the second, which will include hrithik roshan, Jr. NTR, and kiara Advani.
Fans are excitedly awaiting Major Kabir Dhaliwal's return after the previous installment's enormous success, this time to take on a new national danger in a risky undercover operation. Many speculate that the first look of the sequel would be revealed on Republic Day due to its patriotic nature.

Any news about the sequel to war is likely to create immediate excitement because to its enormous popularity. Fans throughout the country are already excited about hrithik roshan and South star Jr. NTR's combination and can't wait to watch the dynamic team in action. The movie promises to be an exciting cinematic experience by combining their star power.

The release is scheduled on august 14, just in time for Independence Day celebrations, allowing the producers to capitalize on significant national holidays. A lot of people want to know how they plan to use Republic Day to increase interest in the movie. This Republic Day, fans are anxiously anticipating the release of a teaser or poster, which would further heighten anticipation for one of the year's most anticipated films.

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