The trailer and posters for Vicky Kaushal's Chhaava, which is expected to be released in the next month, have already generated a lot of interest among viewers. Although the main character posters are gradually being unveiled, Akshaye Khanna's appearance as aurangzeb was only made public. In the new ad, Akshaye looks entirely different, making it difficult for anybody to identify him. He certainly appears menacing, and his face displays the components of terror and fright.
Maddock Films shared Akshaye's poster on social media, captioning it, "Darr aur dehshat ka naya chehra." The official trailer will be released on january 22, 2025, the production firm also said. Viewers are eager to know how Akshaye will be portrayed in the next peek, especially because the poster was delivered nearly a day before the teaser for the movie was released.
About three years after Drishyam 2, Akshaye will make his big-screen comeback with Chhaava. He has been a terribly underappreciated performer. Even though ajay devgn starred in the latter, Akshaye received recognition for his outstanding portrayal as a police officer. Akshaye will portray a very different role in Chhaava than we have seen him in previous films. Audiences will appreciate seeing his menacing figure on the big screen, and it should end up being one of his most memorable parts.


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