When urvashi Rautela's video of her private restroom went viral on several platforms last year, it made headlines. When a phone recording between the actress and her manager was released, it became clear that the entire situation was a PR hoax and that the tape was from her movie Ghuspaithiya. urvashi addressed the topic over seven months after the occurrence, claiming that the footage was purposefully disseminated and that she only gave her approval after the filmmakers approached her.

Urvashi disclosed that the producers were expected to sell the land due to financial difficulties. She said that the film also aimed to raise awareness among females about the need to exercise caution in various circumstances. It is now evident from watching the interview that while the purpose was correct, the execution was entirely incorrect. Why did the creators choose to sacrifice a woman's dignity? Furthermore, why did the woman choose to divulge such a sensitive information?
Urvashi has stated that the goal was to raise awareness, however the whole incident has suggested that the actress may have wanted to increase her following on other platforms by leaking the footage. As of right now, it is certain that urvashi will face harsh criticism for the awareness-raising speech. Girls may be taught how to take care of their safety in a variety of methods. However, it is very unacceptable to release an actress's private footage.
Few people have expressed interest in seeing Urvashi-starring movies. Although many would argue that she contributed equally to Daaku Maharaaj's success, everyone is aware that Nandamuri Balakrishna's performance was the sole reason the movie became a box office triumph. There is no way that anyone would ever go to the theaters to see her film again, especially since her most recent interview has already gone viral.


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