This sankranti season, Venkatesh's film Sankranthiki Vasthunnam, which was directed by Anil Ravipudi, is a huge hit with families. Nonetheless, master Revanth's depiction of Bulli Raju, an OTT junkie who uses foul language, has generated controversy.
The movie conveys his conduct without explicitly revealing it by employing inventive approaches like muting the profanity and playing background music. Although these moments made many chuckle in cinemas, some have expressed worry about the possible harm they may do to kids. social media users argue that, although being meant as a warning about the impact of over-the-top (OTT) material, this representation lacks a strong moral arc or closure, giving the false impression to younger viewers.

During the last success meeting, director Anil Ravipudi made his intentions clear. He clarified that Bulli Raju's persona was intended to draw attention to the negative consequences of children's uncontrolled exposure to OTT. Nevertheless, the absence of a clear moral lesson has sparked some criticism on social media, with viewers urging the director to steer clear of such depictions in the interest of humor.
Social media conversations have been triggered by the controversy. The moment was also condemned by one user, who said, "The real tragedy is a child using foul language to abuse elders while family audiences watch." These movies, not those starring Animal or arjun Reddy, ought to be prohibited. Even while the movie's humorous aspects are excellent, the usage of foul language for a young kid does make one wonder if it's really necessary. But given the director's genuine intentions, the debate seems excessive and shouldn't get any worse.


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