In 2023, Shah Rukh Khan made an incredible return with Jawan and Pathaan. With SRK and Suhana's daughter-father journey in King, fans are also looking forward to a larger blockbuster. South india is also greatly impacted by his pan-Indian appeal. Fans will be shocked to learn that SRK will be collaborating with one of the biggest names in the South cinema industry—and not for a movie!
For the Thums Up commercial campaign, allu arjun and SRK will collaborate on an action-packed, high-end video. Fans adored SRK's previous solo advertisement for the brand. allu arjun is enjoying pushpa 2's enormous success, which has shattered all previous records. His current level of fame appears to be unrivaled, and he was just named the ambassador for Thums Up. The reunion of these two superstars will be significant and might lead to further collaborations in the future. Fans are anticipating an incredible gift, but the ad's concept is currently under wraps.
Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan will receive Rs 9 crore back from the maharashtra government for the extra money he spent to change the lease on his seaside villa, "Mannat."
Satish Bagal, a resident suburban collector, stated on saturday that Shah Rukh Khan and his spouse, Gauri Khan, paid a premium to the government in 2019 to convert the lease of the heritage property in Bandra to "class 1 complete ownership."


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