In Dombivli, in the thane district of Maharashtra, a two-year-old child survived a fall from a high-rise apartment on the thirteenth floor. According to authorities, the infant only had minor wounds. A man who was walking past the building at the time of the occurrence was vigilant enough to save the child's life. netizens are praising him widely and calling him a real-life hero after seeing a video of the event go popular on social media.

According to authorities, the toddler only suffered minor injuries in the incident that happened in the Devichapada area last week. Bhavesh Mhatre is seen in the video sprinting to catch the kid, breaking the fall and reducing the force of the child striking the ground, even though he was unable to fully grip her.

According to witnesses, the youngster fell while playing on her apartment's thirteenth-floor balcony. "She slipped, was hanging precariously for some time at the edge of the balcony, and then fell," a witness reported. Mhatre claimed that since he was committed to saving the child's life, he passed the building without hesitation. He told reporters, "There is no religion greater than courage and humanity." There are plans to formally congratulate Mhatre, according to a local official who praised his gesture.

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