pooja hegde, once a reigning star in telugu cinema, has experienced a lull in her career in recent times, with no major projects in hand. Despite her earlier success in the South indian film industry, she gradually lost momentum, leading to speculation about her career trajectory. However, the talented actress is now gearing up for a significant comeback with the much-anticipated bollywood action thriller Deva, where she stars opposite shahid Kapoor.

Scheduled for release on january 31, 2025, the film is expected to be a crucial milestone in her career, and she has placed immense hope in its success to regain her foothold in the industry. With a strong star cast and promising promotional buzz, deva could provide a much-needed boost to her career in hindi cinema.

Adding to the film’s pre-release buzz, reports suggest that an intimate scene between pooja hegde and shahid kapoor has drawn the attention of the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC). Sources indicate that the censor board initially raised objections to the length of the scene, deeming it too bold for a wider audience. As a result, the filmmakers were asked to trim the sequence by six seconds to make it more suitable for a U/A certification. Despite this minor alteration, the film has managed to retain its core narrative and emotional appeal, and the steamy chemistry between the lead pair is still expected to make an impact on audiences. The censor board's intervention has only fueled curiosity surrounding the film, potentially adding to its promotional value.

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