Ever since pooja hegde was announced as the female lead in Vijay's last movie, excitement and speculation reached a fever pitch among fans. social media was abuzz with theories that the film might be a remake of the popular hollywood erotic drama Fifty Shades of Grey. Fans went into overdrive, creating and sharing numerous fan-made posters that depicted Vijay and pooja in the iconic roles originally played by Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson.
The idea of Vijay stepping into the shoes of the enigmatic Christian Grey and pooja as the innocent yet intriguing Anastasia Steele sparked a mix of excitement and amusement among audiences, leading to widespread discussions across online platforms.

However, fans were left disappointed when reports surfaced that the movie was not, in fact, a remake of Fifty Shades of Grey, but instead inspired by Balakrishna's action-drama Bhagavanth Kesari. This revelation tempered expectations and led to mixed reactions, as many had been looking forward to seeing a completely new and daring avatar of Vijay. Despite the clarification, speculations persisted, and fans continued to compare the film's premise to the hollywood classic. The anticipation surrounding the movie refused to die down, with debates continuing on whether it would stick to the mass action formula or explore bold themes, as initially rumored.
The buzz reignited when the filmmakers released the first look poster, featuring Vijay holding a belt in a striking pose. This single visual was enough to fuel speculation once again, with fans instantly drawing parallels to the infamous imagery from Fifty Shades of Grey. social media was soon flooded with another wave of creative posters portraying Vijay and pooja hegde in seductive and stylish avatars reminiscent of the original hollywood characters.
Hashtags related to the film trended across platforms, proving that the speculation surrounding its theme had truly captured the imagination of the audience. Despite the ongoing rumors, the filmmakers have remained tight-lipped, further adding to the intrigue and keeping the fans eagerly awaiting more updates.

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