Actress pooja hegde was recently spotted in Juhu while promoting her upcoming movie Deva, and she effortlessly exuded elegance in a stunning tight body-con dress. Known for her impeccable fashion sense, pooja once again proved why she is considered a style icon in the industry. The form-fitting dress perfectly accentuated her toned physique, highlighting her confidence and poise. With her graceful demeanor and radiant smile, she turned heads and left fans in awe as she made her way through the promotional event. The choice of outfit reflected a blend of sophistication and modern glam, making it a perfect pick for the high-profile occasion.
The body-con dress, designed to flatter her figure, featured a sleek silhouette that hugged her curves in all the right places. The minimalistic yet chic design allowed Pooja's natural beauty to take center stage, while subtle details such as delicate embellishments and a tasteful neckline added a touch of glamour.
She complemented the look with statement accessories, including a pair of elegant heels and dainty jewelry that enhanced the overall appeal without overpowering the outfit. Her hair, styled in soft waves, cascaded effortlessly over her shoulders, completing the look with a touch of understated charm.
As pooja continues her promotional spree for Deva, her sartorial choices have become a talking point among fashion enthusiasts and fans alike. Her appearance in Juhu further reinforced her ability to carry any look with effortless grace and sophistication. social media was abuzz with admiration for her chic appearance, with fans praising her for her fashion-forward approach and her ability to set new trends with every outing.
As the release date of deva draws closer, Pooja's stylish promotions are adding to the excitement, and her latest look in the body-con dress is yet another reminder of her undeniable star power and timeless elegance.

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