A few weeks ago, rashmika mandanna was working out at the gym when she hurt her leg. The actress went to the trailer premiere of her movie Chhaava alongside vicky kaushal despite being injured. She hobbled to the stage after being loaded into a wheelchair. In a recent health update, the actress disclosed that she had three fractures and a muscle tear in her foot. To further illustrate the extent of her damage, she sent a photo of her X-ray and medical report.

Rashmika Mandanna posted a few images and videos to her Instagram. In the first video clip, she is seen preparing in a wheelchair for the Chhaava trailer presentation. vicky kaushal is then seen in the video assisting her as she hobbled to the stage. "My life currently Promoting Chhaava - I felt so honored, blessed, and grateful to have played Maharani Yesubai," she captioned this short clip. Neither she nor I would reveal her suffering to her people. As usual, I'm smiling through it all.

Rahsmika's companion may be seen embellishing the cast on her damaged foot in the following video clip. Her medical report and an X-ray that shows the three fractures are displayed on the slides that follow. In her post, rashmika explained the same thing, writing, "My girlfriends made it appear so nice from the outside Swipe However, there are three fractures and a muscle tear inside (not very cute, by the way).

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