Many people would anticipate a decrease in the number of indian students in the nation given the uncertainty surrounding H-1B visas for Indians. Since india continues to be the largest source of indian students sent to the US, experts disagree with this widespread view. Over the last three years, the number of indian students attending US institutions has increased at a remarkable pace of 25% every year. Furthermore, the tendency is anticipated to continue rising, expanding by more than 20% a year, even in the face of political upheavals.

According to ApplyBoard's Saif Iqbal, American colleges will still accept 1.1 million foreign students annually. More than 1,500 colleges depend on foreign talent for research, innovation, and to cover skill gaps in their staff, according to another expert. With a record 331,000 students enrolling in institutions in 2024, the indian population in America is still growing, despite serious worries about visa acceptance rates.
Additionally, trump hasn't specifically mentioned the pupils this time. The new president's main goal is to limit indian families and workers. The enrollment rate may eventually suffer as a result of these restrictions, but for the time being it will stay constant because millions of indians are awaiting their visas. Any modifications to F-1 visas would be a shock to US colleges, which rely on indian youth.


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