One of Bollywood's most beloved celebrities, alia bhatt, recently took to instagram to commemorate a significant turning point in the long career of famed designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee. alia honored the designer's 25-year career in an emotional message, praising him not just as a fashion designer but also as a visionary and storyteller who has brought indian couture to a worldwide audience.

Alia displayed herself wearing a captivating black Sabyasachi saree, which skillfully combines classic elegance with contemporary refinement, in a photo and video carousel. The saree's flowing, opulent fabric is matched with a top that is elaborately embroidered with sparkling beads and sequins. Her outfit gained a modern edge from the blouse's striking design, which had a deep neckline and a sleeveless silhouette. Her sleek updo and the mirrored background added to the regal look, while the clothing was accented with simple yet eye-catching accessories including a big ring and stunning earrings.

Alia began her post by acknowledging Sabyasachi’s profound influence on fashion, writing, “To me, Sabya, you are more than a designer—you’re a visionary and a storyteller." Her words encapsulated the essence of Sabyasachi’s artistry, which has consistently fused India’s cultural richness with modern-day sensibilities, creating designs that resonate globally.

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