Vicky Kaushal and rashmika mandanna attended the mumbai premiere of the Chhaava teaser on Wednesday. rashmika demonstrated her commitment to her responsibilities by attending the event despite a recent leg injury. rashmika was observed arriving to the ceremony with a limp. Vicky immediately offered his assistance when he saw that she was having difficulties. Last week, rashmika was working out at the gym when she suffered a leg injury. She nonetheless carried on with her task in spite of that.
A number of videos that capture the occasion have gone viral on social media, showing rashmika hobbling to the stage while wearing a gorgeous crimson Anarkali dress. Although this gesture demonstrated her dedication, it also generated conflicting responses on the internet. While many social media admirers applauded her commitment, others chastised her for going to the event in spite of her disability.

Her actions were deemed "cringe" by many, who also asked why she didn't miss the event in order to focus on getting well. She invited a lot of trolls who ridiculed her in a short period of time. watch out this space for more updates in this regard.

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