Following the success of Viduthalai 2, Vetrimaaran has begun pre-production on Vaadivaasal, his upcoming film alongside Suriya. On this pongal, the film's producer, kalaipuli s thanu, formally declared that the production had begun and that filming would shortly begin.
There is already a lot of talk that Vetrimaaran and the Vaadivaasal crew intend to begin filming by april and finish before december in order to release pongal in 2026. With the exception of Asuran, which was filmed in just four months and premiered in theaters a year after the film's announcement, Vetrimaaran has never finished filming a film this quickly. Many believe that Vetrimaaran cannot finish the shoot in such a short amount of time.
Thanu, the same producer, also produced Asuran. netizens speculate that while Vetrimaaran appears to be more timely for Thanu alone, Vaadivaasal will most likely be issued on schedule. One of the main complaints made by kollywood viewers about Vetrimaaran is that he will take a long time to complete his film and will never be on time to the producers. However, it appears that this time, Vetrimaaran will deliver Vaadivaasal on schedule and disprove the complaints.


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