Wamiqa Gabbi, the endearing actress who costarred with sudheer babu in the telugu film Bhale Manchi Roju, gained notoriety over ten years ago for her inherent beauty. But because of the movie's low box office success, she didn't get many offers in tollywood after that. Wamiqa got busy making movies in tamil, hindi, and punjabi, among other languages. Although she hasn't had a big hit yet, she has plenty of offers.
Her biggest movie, Baby John, was a complete failure just a month ago. However, it has had no impact on her professional trajectory. Wamiqa is a prolific actress who has been in several movies lately. Five or six of her films are anticipated to be released in cinemas this year. She currently has seven projects in the works. These include a punjabi film, two tamil films, two hindi films (including Akshay Kumar's Bhoot Bangla), one telugu film, and one malayalam film. No other actress has lately been able to work in five distinct languages simultaneously.

She has replaced sobhita dhulipala in the telugu film goodachari 2, which is scheduled for release this year. With these publications, her popularity is predicted to increase. As the highly acclaimed goodachari sequel, G 2, starring Adivi Sesh, has great expectations. Wamiqa will undoubtedly have more major telugu cinema releases if it lives up to the hype and gets good reviews. Wamiqa looked stunning in a recent video that went popular online, and some likened her to aishwarya Rai.

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