In a recent interview, actor rashmika mandanna, who will next be seen in the historical drama Chhaava, directed by Laxman Utekar, acknowledged that she is in a relationship. Nevertheless, she did not divulge her partner's name. There are rumors that rashmika and Vijay Deverakonda, her co-star from Dear Comrade, are dating.
The star talked about her "happy place" in an interview with The hollywood Reporter. She disclosed that she is also a partner there. "Home is my happy place," she remarked. It gives me a sense of stability and rootedness and gives me the impression that success is a fleeting emotion. However, home never goes away. I thus operate from that location. Even with all of the love, recognition, and attention I receive, I am still only a partner, a sister, and a daughter. That is my own life, and I truly respect it."

Mandanna also talked about what makes a man appeal to her. "Eyes are said to be the window to the soul. I am drawn to persons with a cheerful face because I firmly believe in that and I never stop smiling. In the same interview, Rasmika Mandanna stated, "And, of course, someone who respects people around them no matter who they are."
In a previous interview, vijay deverakonda had also acknowledged being in a relationship. He did, however, add that he would only divulge information about his romantic life when he felt it was appropriate. He acknowledged that people are curious about his personal life, but he said that he would never talk about it due to pressure from others.

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