An ambulance was seen at the mela venue in a footage that news agency PTI uploaded. Security forces have arrived at the scene of the stampede, according to the BBC's most recent reporting. The Uttar Pradesh administration estimates that 10 crore people will attend today's maha Kumbh Mela. This year's 'Triveni Yog' is a rare celestial alignment that occurs after 144 years, which increases the day's spiritual significance.
Teams from the NDRF and NSG have arrived at the confluence, or Triveni, along with other security authorities, and they are advising people to go after taking a holy plunge. Injured devotees are seen being transported to the maha Kumbh hospital in Sector 2 in the most recent images released by news agency ANI.
According to recent sources, the Shahi Snan has been canceled. The 'Shahi Snan' has been canceled by Akhada Parishad due to the rush, according to a report from ABP news. No akhada or sadh sect would carry out the important rite, Akhada Parishad chief ravindra Puri said ABP news.