shahid Kapoor and pooja hegde are ready for their upcoming film, Deva. The movie proceeded to the Censor Board for certification, however before receiving the U/A certificate, a part of the kiss scene was cut out. It has been claimed that filmmaker Rosshan Andrews has been requested to alter the kissing sequence in accordance with the Central Board of Film Certification's (CBFC) suggestions. In addition to the kissing sequence, the Censor Board has recommended a number of additional alterations, including a reduction in offensive language and gestures.

After these adjustments, Deva's total duration was 2 hours, 36 minutes, and 59 seconds. Such edits are not new to Shahid's filmography. Similar adjustments were made to his most recent movie, Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya, when the Censor Board removed a sequence in which two people fall in love. The teaser for deva was released on social media earlier this month. shahid plays a daring police officer who has set out on a quest to get revenge for the death of his fellow officer in the two-minute and eighteen-second teaser. pooja hegde also plays a journalist in the movie.
In addition to shahid and pooja, Pavel Gulati, Pravesh Rana, and Kubra Sait play important parts in the movie. In addition, shahid makes his action movie comeback, something his fans have been anxiously anticipating. siddharth roy kapur and Zee Studios produced the film, which was directed by Rosshan Andrews. The movie is scheduled for release on january 31, 2025.

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