The actor chose a crimson minidress from designer David Koma's collection. The fitting silhouette, which was styled by tanya Ghavri, had long sleeves, cuff zips, an off-the-shoulder flare, and tiny halter-neck straps. She accessorized the garment with Christian Louboutin shoes in red patent.
Pooja Hedge wore diamond and gold rings and tiny, structured golden earrings as subtle accessories. Her appearance was finished with strong eyebrows and dewy makeup, which put all the attention on her attire. By choosing a fitting, sleek red dress or a tailored blazer dress with a similar crisp construction, one may effortlessly transform pooja Hegde's eye-catching red outfit into a bold, businesslike style.
Vogue's Associate fashion Editor divya Balakrishnan advises pairing it with similar red pants for a monochrome effect or going for a color-blocked effect with pink pants (think samantha Prabhu's appearance on Koffee With Karan). The actress is currently expecting the release of 'Deva'.