Pooja opted for nude lipstick and rosy-highlighted cheekbones for her makeup. With a swipe of traditional winged eyeliner, mascara-drenched wispy lashes, glittering eyeshadow, and sculpted brows, she gave her eyes the ideal amount of drama. Statement rings and diamond earrings provided just the perfect amount of glitz.
Pooja Hegde has previously gone to the 71st Miss World 2024 contest. On the special occasion, the actress chose a gorgeous pink gown covered with sequins. It was full length down to her ankle and had long sleeves. It also had a dip in the neckline and a broad bend around the collarbones.
pooja kept the attention on the bling-laden ensemble by wearing it with pointed pink shoes and no additional accessories. She had waves in her caramel hair and dewy makeup. pooja Hegde's wardrobe sets the perfect mood board for all things glamorous.