According to the most recent reports, Interstellar has already sold over one lakh seats nationwide and made advance reservations totaling Rs. 5 crore. Tummbad, the highest-grossing re-released movie, was surpassed in advance purchases by Interstellar. After surpassing Tumbbad's advance sales, it remains to be seen if Interstellar will surpass Tumbbad (Rs. 30-40 crore), Ghilli (Rs. 30-32 crore), and Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani (Rs. 26 crore) as the most grossing re-released picture over its whole run.
It is improbable, though, given official sources state that Interstellar will only be shown in theaters for a week (February 7–13). After seeing these incredible sales, it remains to be seen if the producers decide to change their minds and prolong the film's theatrical run. The core cast of Interstellar includes Michael Caine, Ellen Burstyn, Jessica Chastain, Anne Hathaway, Bill Irwin, and Matthew McConaughey. The soundtrack was created by Han Zimmer.