The filmmaker sukumar is aiming for Shraddha Kapoor for his upcoming project after the huge success of Allu Arjun's pushpa 2. Shraddha and sukumar had previously spoken during the planning stages of pushpa 2's song "Kissik." At first, Shraddha was the front-runner for the item song, but Sreeleela was cast instead because of pay concerns. But according to reports, sukumar and Shraddha agreed to work together on a larger project down the road.

It seems that sukumar has already cast Shraddha in his upcoming movie with ram Charan. Fans of ram charan are intrigued by the project and want to know if it would explore the crime mafia genre seen in pushpa, continue in the footsteps of Sukumar's rural entertainment like Rangasthalam, or even venture into a modern, contemporary scenario.
The movie is anticipated to be released throughout India, giving ram charan another opportunity to leave a lasting impression following the letdown of Game Changer. In a similar vein, Shraddha, whose telugu debut saaho starring prabhas didn't get much praise, is hoping for a stronger showing this time.

Shraddha is engaged for the next few years with this project as well as her future movies, which include Nagin and stree 2. The nature of her part in Sukumar's film is still unknown. In addition, ram charan is working on a movie starring Buchi Babu Sana, which he may finish this year. However, Shraddha Kapoor's involvement has not yet been verified.

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