Makakumbh 2025: Prayagraj Railway Division made a record, and ran 222 special trains to get the crowd out of the city
Makakumbh 2025: Prayagraj Railway Division flagged off a total of 222 special trains from all its 9 stations on Mauni Amavasya.
Makakumbh 2025: Prayagraj Railway Division sent 222 mela Special trains on Mauni Amavasya. This is a record. Prayagraj Railway operated regular trains along with maha Kumbh Special trains. In this way, 365 trains were operated in a single day.
Special trains were run from all nine stations of Prayagraj as per the guidelines. A total of 12 lakh people were sent out of Prayagraj through these trains. During the second Shahi Snan, the Khusro Bagh holding area was opened early amid the increasing crowd of devotees. The control room was monitored by the NCR General Manager and Divisional Railway Manager.
This was the plan of the Railways
It was already estimated that 7 to 8 crore people would attend the second Shahi Snan in the maha Kumbh. Therefore, the Railways had made preparations for it. According to the Railways' plan, on Mauni Amavasya, i.e. yesterday (January 29), special trains were run from Prayagraj stations only to take the passengers out of Prayagraj. That means special trains from other cities did not come to Prayagraj. However, apart from this plan, the regular trains going to and coming from Prayagraj continued to run as per their schedule.
After taking a dip in the second royal bath, a crowd of people rushed towards the stations of Prayagraj Railway Division. A large number of people were seen at these stations. This day was also very busy for the railway officials. The good thing was that the movement of trains continued smoothly. However, during this time, more than two dozen trains of other routes had to be canceled yesterday. Let us tell you that the railway is making plans in collaboration with the Uttar Pradesh government during the maha Kumbh. The railway has made plans for the entire maha Kumbh and work is being done under this.