There have been rumors that Megastar's next film, Vishwambhara, has a relation to the iconic Jagadeka Veerudu Athiloka Sundari. vyjayanthi movies offered a suggestion that they could own the rights to the classic, but the directors have not confirmed this officially. Fans of chiranjeevi are now speculating that Vishwambhara and khaidi, another classic movie, are related.
After director Mallidi Vassishta posted a short clip from khaidi on social media, rumors started to circulate. In the video, chiranjeevi is seen pondering his next course of action while standing in front of the Kondapalli village board. Fans have been talking about the legendary scene, with some speculating that Vishwambhara would have a similar moment. Others think the scenario could have served as the inspiration for some of the movie's scenes.
Some even think that an action episode with a similar tone would open Vishwambhara's new schedule. It's time for filmmakers to quit promoting the new chiranjeevi films with old ones, according to several critics. Vintage chiranjeevi is no longer desired by fans. Filmmakers have produced works such as Waltair Veerayya and Bhola shankar in the name of traditional Chiru.
Like Nelson did with Rajinikanth in Jailer and siddharth anand did with Shah Rukh Khan in Pathaan, fans now want directors to reimagine Chiranjeevi. Vishwambhara was delayed from its original sankranti release date, allegedly to prevent conflict with Game Changer. Further delays resulted from the team's decision to greatly improve the visual effects after the teaser received overwhelmingly unfavorable feedback. The production crew has not yet announced the new release date or confirmed when the last shot will be finished. Fans are anxiously awaiting further clarification since the relationship between Vishwambhara and these iconic masterpieces is still unclear.


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