Modifications to the BH Series
It seems that in an attempt to broaden and enhance the BH Series' reach, the government has put up additional regulations. On august 26, 2021, a new registration mark known as "BH Series" was added to the Central Motor vehicles Rules, 1989. The BH Series, which went into effect on september 15, 2021, exempts car owners from having to re-register their vehicles when they are transferred to another state.
These regulations were first implemented voluntarily to assist persons employed by the government or private organizations in four or more states or union territories.
As is well known, State Governments and Union Territory Administrations are responsible for enforcing the Central Motor vehicles Rules, 1989.
How Can I Register for the BH Series?
Based on their official ID card, applicants who work for government agencies are eligible to use the BH Series facility.
Employees in the private sector must present a working certificate attesting to the fact that their company maintains offices in four or more states or union territories.
As far as we are aware, the BH Series is only being used for new car registrations.
To revise the regulations regulating the Bharat Series registration mark, the Ministry released a draft notice, G.S.R. 672 (E), on october 04, 2022.
Vehicles having standard registration marks can also be changed to BH Series registration marks, according to this proposal.
By paying taxes, persons who qualify for the BH Series registration mark can obtain it.
What Major Modifications Have Been Made to the BH Series?
The owner of a vehicle with the BH Series registration mark may now sell it to anyone, whether or not they are qualified for the BH Series mark, thanks to this alteration.
Additionally, any car with a regular registration mark can have it altered to a BH Series registration mark.
For the individual to be eligible for the BH Series mark, they must pay taxes.
Aside from this, Rule 48 is being proposed to be amended to allow people to apply for the BH Series at their home or place of business, taking into account their convenience.
To further improve the prohibition of abuse, private sector employees would also need to provide working credentials.
In addition to their official identity card, government workers can now receive BH series registration marks based on their service certificate.