One of India's most beloved celebrities, aishwarya Rai Bachchan, became well-known around the world before many of her contemporaries. Because they gave her a chance to expose indian culture to Western audiences and elucidate frequently misinterpreted customs, her performances on The Oprah Winfrey Show in the early 2000s became legendary.
Aishwarya took use of the occasion in 2005 to dispel misconceptions about india and provide her opinions on subjects that struck a deep chord with Westerners. One of the interview's highlights was when Oprah questioned aishwarya about public displays of affection, a subject that many Westerners find perplexing. "It's not something commonly seen," aishwarya said, explaining the cultural gap with her customary elegance. Although it's more of a private statement than anything you'd witness in public, people do kiss. Life is reflected in art, and our movie portrays this.
After that, the subject of premarital sex came up, which Oprah and a large portion of the crowd probably found fascinating. Oprah inquired as to whether it was forbidden or prevalent in India. 'Broadly speaking, that isn't the good thing to do,' was Aishwarya's direct but powerful response.
Aishwarya addressed numerous misunderstandings about india, especially about language and family life, in addition to talking about personal subjects. The notion that indians didn't speak english well shocked her. 'Why would anyone believe that we don't study English?' she recalled when people asked whether she had gone abroad to master the language. That truly caught me off guard.

Additionally, aishwarya talked about the custom of staying with one's parents after marriage. 'In india, it's more about the family, about living together and remaining connected, and that's probably the most wonderful thing,' aishwarya said in response to Oprah's comment about the American custom of children leaving home at that age.


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